Working Ninja
Web Coding Workflow

If I have my choice of workflow, here is what it currently includes (note: this is subject to change as there are tons of awesome people developing for the web):

The Cradle of Creation: The Development Server

First off, all creation and changes are made on the development server so that users won’t be subject to slow server responses, random 404s, coding errors or unstyled content.

Tools Used:

  • Version Control: Git local repository
  • Environment: Local MAMP server (see more about this on my MAMP Development Server Setup)
  • Editor: Light Table
  • Debugging: Chrome DevTools

To the Production Server!

After all is as it should be on the development server, changes will be committed (along the way, of course!) and made ready for the production server. Local git repository is pushed to the production server using git.

Testing on production server (with caching turned off) would then take place to verify no issues with latest update.

Worthy to note previous tools used:


  • TextMate
  • TextWrangler
  • Sublime Text
  • Coda 2
  • Atom
  • Brackets

Version Control

  • Subversion (SVN)